Our advantages

Why trust us?


Beach attendance


Bathing facilities


Meters of the beach




Our staff:

Passed selective practical tests (swimming, rowing and physical), theoretical technical tests and knowledge of the English language (lifeguards only).

It constantly carries out refresher courses.

Constantly conducts practical training courses.

He is trained on the generic and specific risks he may incur.

It is managed and constantly supported by the company through area managers, management and safety officers.

Ability to handle emergency situations appropriately and efficiently.

Provides fast and effective response times to customer needs.

It is framed with a contract as per the CCNL for the category

Those who work in our team are required to:

Comply with and enforce current legislation, the regulations of the structures in which you work, the internal company regulations, the quality policy and your job description.
Maintain an attitude of cordiality, professionalism and respect with the users of the facilities, customers and colleagues as well as subordination towards the employer and/or his superiors.

Use polite and professional language

Keep your uniform perfectly clean and tidy at all times.

Keep the equipment supplied by the company perfectly in order and in working order.


Alto Adriatiko srl has all the certifications to guarantee its work

ALTO ADRIATIKO certified ISO 9001:2015, proves to be a company constantly attentive to the evolution of the sector that aims at innovation and development of its processes aiming at continuous growth both in terms of volumes and in terms of quality, sensitive to the satisfaction of all interested parties: customer, internal staff, suppliers and properties.




Quality Policy

With the drafting of this document, the Management intends to explain the ways to guarantee the Company a continuous and constant improvement of its performance.

The Quality and Environmental Policy of Alto Adriatiko srl is an integral part of the general policy and strategies
company and stands on five fundamental pillars::


Alto Adriatiko depends on its customers and must consequently understand their present and future needs, comply with
their demands and aim to exceed their own expectations. Therefore, it remains crucial:
➢ Identify and understand customer needs and expectations;
➢ Ensure that your goals are consistent with customer expectations and plan actions to reduce
risks that could prevent its achievement;
➢ Transmit and implement these principles at all company levels;
➢ Measure customer satisfaction and act accordingly;
➢ Provide services that meet the contractual requirements and that comply with the applicable Rules and Laws,
consequently adapt to the implementation of the continuous evolutions of the sector;
➢ Always guarantee flexible and rapid responses based on the opportunities offered by the market;
➢ Systematically manage customer relations, in order to create greater loyalty and stimulate the
“pass the word”.


Management is convinced that all personnel employed in the organization are interested parties
fundamental to the A.A. management system, as well as the essence of the company; in connection with that its full
involvement contributes decisively to the achievement of ever more ambitious objectives.
Therefore, the Management undertakes to ensure that the staff:
➢ Acquire ever greater awareness of the importance of one’s contribution and one’s role within it
of society
➢ Openly discuss problems and situations related to your duties
➢ Share previous knowledge and experience to build organizational knowledge
➢ You actively seek opportunities to develop your skills and knowledge
➢ Is evaluated in relation to its performance, against the company’s objectives and goals
➢ Be aware that among your responsibilities there is also that of solving any problems
➢ Contribute to continuous improvement by collaborating in the identification of risks associated with the processes in which


Of fundamental importance in corporate strategies, the relationship of interdependence with one’s own
relevant suppliers and partners. We are convinced that this relationship leads to mutual benefit, improving for both
the ability to create value. Therefore, Alto Adriatiko srl aims to:
➢ Identify and select your main suppliers;
➢ Make them participate, if necessary, in the assessment of the risks of the processes in which they are involved;
➢ Establish clear and open partnership relationships;
➢ Share experiences and resources with your partners;
➢ Establish relationships capable of balancing short-term gains with long-term logics;
➢ Identify joint activities for development and improvement.


For the activities carried out and the services rendered, it is considered crucial by the Company to maintain collaborative relationships with the community in general with the bodies in charge of controls, the competent authorities (such as, for example, municipalities and harbor master’s offices), but also with the end users of the accommodation facilities. In order to consolidate this position, the company organization includes among its objectives:
➢ Carrying out one’s business in compliance with current legislation in the sector and in the field of safety and the environment
➢ A specific selection and training of personnel to make the rescue service at the highest levels of efficiency in protecting the safety of the end user.
➢ Safeguarding and respecting the environment.


The fifth pillar that supports all Company policies, not least in order of importance, is represented by the will of Management of guaranteeing continuous improvement to the Company, also with a view to reading the financial statements.
In order to achieve the desired objectives and set out in the periodic reviews, the Management takes steps to ensure that:
➢ Business processes are planned and rescheduled taking into consideration the “Risk Based Thinking”
➢ This policy is disseminated and understood at all company levels
➢ Be consistent with other corporate strategies
➢ The quality system is increasingly integrated into corporate business processes;
➢ Personnel have the necessary resources, are adequately trained and trained for their assigned duties and have the freedom to act responsibly
➢ The contributions made by personnel and the improvements achieved are recognised
➢ The infrastructures are adequate
➢ The System is constantly monitored
➢ The image of Alto Adriatiko srl

is always guaranteed


Alto Adriatiko undertakes to comply with mandatory environmental regulations and to apply the rules applied to our context .
The commitment to keep up-to-date on new ordinances, promptly implement the indications and prescriptions received; give the necessary information to collaborators in order to comply with the applicable regulations; collaborate with local authorities to improve the drafting and relative application of ordinances.


We are committed to protecting the environment, through careful management of waste products, considering the reference standards , cooperating with the various bodies in order to protect and prevent pollution, actively participating and supporting local initiatives, as well as participation in the protection of marine animals which as a result of climate change may suffer orientation problems.
We support international organizations for the protection of the environment and human rights.

The Manager of the Integrated Quality and Environment System is entrusted with the responsibility for implementing the System itself and with the necessary authority to manage, monitor, evaluate and coordinate the Quality Management System .